Single again...

I am 30 and single again. But is that something to worry about? Honestly I don't know.

I guess if i think of the reasons why i started this blog then probably i'll know if i am worried or not. I am worried about being lonely. I am worried that when i come home I will have no one to talk to. I am worried that the world is so technologically connected that it has left us all very isolated. Do you agree?

I started this blog to talk to someone and put my feelings in to words. And i feel even if we are in happy relationships, surrounded by family and friends, some times we are still not heard. Our thoughts are lost in the mundane realities of our lives.

So here I am trying to find my voice, trying to piece myself together, trying to move on.

What this blog will offer is a series of everyday struggles that a 30 something single girl who is trying to find her place in the world faces and that you will no longer feel like you're the only one facing life's challenges. I will be right there with you. And so will you.



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