Weekend Schmeekend..!

Oh man! Do I wait for a Saturday or what!!! Especially this Saturday, the 25th!!  This is going to be a great weekend since I picked up my beau this morning from the airport. I am gonna be Li'l Beau Peep! LOL! Here's happy me!
This is pretty damn good for 6.00 AM on a Saturday, ain't it? I was listening to 'Call Me Maybe'. That song has gone viral! I listen to it every single day on a loop, driving to work, with all the dancing and the hand actions. Yes I DO get a lot of stares, and that's not just coz I am IT Fashionista. Lol!

If you haven't heard this song coz you were time travelling or accompanied Curiosity to Mars and didn't know what was happening on Earth, then this is for you my baby:

Although this one's an even better version, made my weekend!

I am still ROFLing!

Guess what?! I have been invited to a theme party. The theme is Color Block! Oh how I have missed going to parties dressed crazy! People stopped having fun lately. I get tired of pseudo conversations and crave fun theme parties. So what I did was that I took this color block thing a step further and voila!

I COLOR BLOCKED MY PEDI!!! Excuse the crooked lines coz I did it myself! Hey even Picasso never drew straight lines.

I haven't decided what I am wearing. So check back for an outfit post later. Promise great pics from the party. 



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