Weekends are OVER-RATED...!

At least mine are. Don't get me wrong. I get so ecstatic beyond normal human levels of state of ecstasy on Friday evenings and almost berserk when a long weekend is involved, but what DO we do on a weekend? OK I know we don't go to work. But doesn't work fuel our weekend escapades? Or am I the only one who feels a good work week deserves a good weekend. Hey! Don't hurl that shoe at me.

So what does an average Joe do on a weekend? I'll tell u what I do. I laze and laze and laze to shame a sloth to hell until hunger pangs strike at about mid day; and I finally get out of bed. I do not exercise and eat junk. Then call my friends to find out if they're better or worse off than me. I side with the ones who are in a better state so that I can rescue my weekend. That's day time for you. Oh I also squeeze in a movie. Every-freakin-Saturday. Saturday night is meant to get my party shoes out and hit a watering hole. The tighter, smaller watering hole, the higher the popularity. And of course, how much of a good time I had is measured by the pain in my feet the next day. So that's Saturday: Sloth to Socialite.

Sunday: I write to you. And crib about the next week or how I spent my Saturday. I went to the Shisha Jazz Cafe and it did not disappoint. We gazed at the other 'animals' at the watering hole over a cuppa Iranian Tea and a kebab platter. I liked. I will revisit, hopefully, without a stomach full of soda pop and popcorn. So Sunday has just started and let's see what it holds for me.

Here are some snap shots of the day:


  1. great style girl!
    following u already,
    i would love u to drop by my blog and let me know if you like it ;)
    kisses from Spain,


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