DIY Storage - Ring Box

Here's a fun and a totally inexpensive way to store those rings and keep them easily accessible at the same time.

What you need:
1) A box (the size of the box depends on how big you want the box to be. It can be any size from a shoe box to a keil's box)
2) Some sponge (available in hardware stores. I got mine from a sponge packaging that a gift from a friend arrived in)
3) Black fabric
4) Wrapping paper of your choice
5) A pair of scissors
6) Hot glue gun or a glue stick.


1)Wrap the box with the wrapping paper. Wrap the lid and base separately so that the box can open. If the box is attached from one side, like mine is, then wrap the bottom part first and tape/glue down the side of the wrapping paper where the box is attached to the lid and then take another piece of the wrapping paper and wrap the lid. You may embellish it if you like ;)

2) Cut sponge into strips that fit along the length of the box. Cut enough number to make it a tight fit (like shown in pic) If the box is longer on two sides like that of a shoe box than cutting the sponge strips down to the length of the box is less time consuming than cutting many strips along the side of the width.

3) Once you have the strips, wrap the strips in black fabric individually and glue the end down to seal. (as shown)

4) place the strips in the box and glue in place.

Place your rings and you're done!

Finished product:

So go ahead and organize that pile of rings that's been sitting in your drawer that you almost never get around to wearing. ;)



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