Skinny Jeans for everyone...

Are you just tired of fashion magazines, fashion stylists, fashion icons telling you the rules to dress. Well I say rules are meant to be broken. Who says you can't wear skinny jeans if you're top heavy, or bottom heavy or heavy heavy. Who says that a pair of skinny will make you look like a stick if you're petite. Nobody told Anne Hathaway that! And sure as hell didn't tell Beyonce or JLo!!!

The point I am trying to make is wear what you wanna, just know how to work it for yourself. So here are a few pointers on how to work the skinny. And God answered your prayers in the form of the Levis Curve Id jeans!

Curvy: You lucky thing you! Well you can wear practically anything and look like a million bucks! However, I suggest a fitted tank top with chunky accessories a la JLo. I suggest a dark wash to your skinnies.

Petite: For petite or small frames, I suggest a flowy top that ends a little below your waist. Or a top with shoulder accents.

Plus Size: Wear a structured top/summer jacket or a asymmetrical caped tee which skims your curves and doesn't hug them. A dark wash for you too.

Short: Wear a long fitted top with your skinnies. A top that ends mid thigh is best suited. It adds an illusion of length. Wear longer sleeves as they add length too.

Tall: Wear your skinnies with a short top that ends at your waist. Wear short sleeves to balance out your height.

And..Accessorize. Accessorize. Accessorize! Please!

So how do I know this stuff? Experience! Thank god I didn't worry too much about what the "experts" say. If I wanna wear a trend I WILL!!!!


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