Happy thoughts...

Ever wondered how some people always look so good no matter what they wear. It's because they're happy with who they are and what they have. I know fashion can be intimidating to us real world people who don't look or want to look wafer thin. But what we have is real happiness. And happiness will always make you look and feel good. Like they say a smile is always fashionable.

So whats are these happy thoughts and how do you find them? I suggest:
1. Write down all that you love about yourself physically
2. Write down all that you love about your personality

Pick the 2 best out of these and always think of them whenever you doubt yourself.

For more feel good feelings:
1. Pick a movie or television series that make you feel good. Everyone has a fav!
2.Pick a piece of clothing or accessory that instantly lifts your spirits.

Watch the movie or television series when you're staying in or don't feel like going out. Maybe because you're feeling down.
Wear the piece of clothing or accessory when you have to go out and aren't in the best of spirits.

What I listed here are mood enhancers. But what makes you truly happy inside and beautiful outside, is knowing what you have that are worth this world and being thankful and grateful for the same.

What I do every morning and through out the day, whenever I am free and have a piece of paper to scribble on, is that I write what I am thankful for. I literally wake up in the morning and say "God, I am so happy and thankful that I have a loving and supportive family, a well paying job, respect and admiration from peers, an amazing car, lovely clothes, great hair, great skin, a bank account that keeps me happy. I am grateful for this abundance that things that I deserve keep coming to me." Believe it or not, I get most compliments on that day. Because the glow of happiness shines from within.

It's easy to focus on negatives in life. I wish I had a better job, more money, thinner thighs, etc. But then you don't get them because you don't appreciate what you have right now. So what I am trying to say is "Live today, live in the present, enjoy the bounty that you've been given. Make way for more not because you want more, but because you have enjoyed what you have today to the fullest."

Keep thinking happy thoughts and you'll be able to fly, just like Peter Pan in Neverland.


IT Fashionista
(Guest Blogger from www.confessions-of-the-it-fashionista.blogspot.com)


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